We wrote an article in 2016 related to the HR director’s role in onboarding newly appointed CEOs. As the HR director you know the next person who is appointed will be your new boss. Depending on the context, you may have been involved in the appointment process including advising and facilitating the process with the Chair and the Board. More …
Mind the Gap: Enabling Leadership Teams to Workshop ‘Real-time’ Strategy Work for Real Results (BT Group) – 2005-2007
BT Group (formerly British Telecom) is recognized as one of the world’s leading IT and telecommunications players. However, through the late 1990s into the turn of the millennium, the company underwent a major business model transformation. Faced with intensifying competition and a fiercely disruptive industry environment, BT was struggling like any player in the telecommunications space to find the right …
The Challenge of Change
“The ability to adapt to change is fundamental to the success of individuals and businesses in the modern world. A reaction to change, be it physical or psychological, is perfectly normal. We all react to change, we have a range of reactions, and we are all different. Some like change; they thrive on new ideas and challenges. Others don’t like …
Reflections on change – by June Boyle and Lynda Gratton
Living in your world… For the authors, the starting point as scholar and practising executive is an understanding of the story of a company. They believe it’s both implausible and naïve to think of a company outside of its context. For them context invokes heritage, values, shared experiences, norms and myths. Each of the three companies cited in their reflections …